§ 98-663. Dimensional requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Industrial District
    Standard Requirement
    Minimum Lot Area
      With public water and public sewer 1 acre
      Without public water or sewer 3 acres
    Minimum Lot Width 150 feet
    Minimum Front Setback
      Principal structures 70 feet
      Accessory structures 30 feet
      Buffer between parking and street 30 feet
    Minimum Rear Yard
      Principal structures 30 feet
      Accessory structures, parking and drive aisles 10 feet
    Minimum Side Yard
      Principal structures 30 feet
      Accessory structures, parking and drive aisles 10 feet
    Maximum Height 60 feet


    (Ord. No. O-15-08(R2), 1-12-2009)

(Ord. No. O-15-08(R2), 1-12-2009)