§ 98-444. Uses permitted by conditional use permit only.  

Latest version.
  • In the MHP mobile home parks district, structures to be erected or land to be used for one or more of the following uses shall be permitted only after the issuance of a conditional use permit by the board of supervisors or its agent:


    Public or private electrical generation facilities, electrical substations with a capacity of 5,000 kilovolt amperes or more, and electrical transmission lines capable of transmitting 69 kilovolts or more.


    Public or private transmission pipelines, including pumping stations and accessory storage for natural gas, propane gas, petroleum products, chemicals, slurry coal and any other gases, liquids or solids, with an approved site plan, except that private connections to existing pipelines, which are intended to serve individual residential or commercial customers and which are accessory to existing or proposed development, are permitted generally and without a conditional use permit.


    Public or private water and sewer facilities including, but not limited to, treatment plants, pumping stations, storage facilities and transmission mains, with an approved site plan, except that private connections to existing mains which are intended to serve an individual residential or commercial customer and which are accessory to existing or proposed development, are permitted generally and without a conditional use permit.


    Railroad facilities including tracks, bridges, switching yards and stations, with an approved site plan, except that spur lines which are to serve and are accessory to existing or proposed development adjacent to existing railroad rights-of-way, and track and safety improvements in existing railroad rights-of-way, are permitted generally and without a conditional use permit.

    (Code 1999, § 9-139)

(Code 1999, § 9-139)