§ 98-377. Special conditions related to apartment and condominium development.  

Latest version.
  • Special conditions related to apartment and condominium development in the R-3 district are as follows:


    The developer shall receive the approval of the state department of health relative to the provision of a potable water supply and adequate sewage disposal facilities.


    No outside area or equipment shall be provided for the hanging of laundry or the outside airing of laundry in any manner. A laundry shall be provided within each apartment building or condominium unit with sufficient area and equipment for the laundering and artificial drying of laundry belonging to the occupants of each building.


    Each building shall contain a single master television antenna system which shall serve all dwelling units within the building.


    If trash and garbage collection is provided through the location of steel dumpster containers, they shall be located conveniently to the dwelling units; shall be screened from view by decorative masonry walls, shrubs or fences; and shall be located on concrete pads with a sufficient strength rating to withstand the weight of a garbage disposal truck.


    Each dwelling unit and combined complex of dwelling units shall have a compatible architectural theme, with variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development which shall include consideration of landscaping techniques, building orientation to the site and to other structures, topography, natural features, and individual dwelling unit design. Techniques to be considered are varying widths of units, staggering unit setbacks, providing different exterior materials, changing roof lines and roof designs, altering building heights, changing the types of windows and shutters, doors, porches, and the vertical or horizontal orientation of the facades, singularly or in combination.


    In order to prevent the development of long and monotonous buildings and ridge lines which serve to increase the sense of density, lack of interest, and liken the development to a barracks, overall structures of attached townhouses shall consist of no more than eight townhouse dwelling units. There shall be at least three different ridge line heights in each overall structure of attached townhouses which shall vary by at least three feet. In any structure of attached townhouses no more than two adjacent dwelling units shall have the same setback. Setbacks shall vary by at least eight feet. Buildings may consist of any configuration that meets the prescribed area and yard requirements and does not exceed the following overall or component building lengths or standards:


    Two hundred feet on any one plane.


    Three hundred and forty feet on any angle.


    Five hundred feet along the centerline of the building.


    No more than 16 dwelling units shall be contained in any one building and there shall be no more than four dwelling units in any unbroken line. A setback of not less than eight feet shall be deemed as a satisfactory offset in a building line.


    No townhouse dwelling unit shall be less than 16 feet in width.

    Land area of at least 560 square feet for each dwelling unit shall be specified on the site plan and improved by the developer as active recreation areas for use by residents of the development. Such areas shall be an integral part of the development and shall be at least one-half acre in size. Such area shall be at least 100 feet wide and have a grade of less than five percent. Recreational facilities shall include residential swimming pools, regulation doubles tennis courts, tot lots and playgrounds. The developer may be permitted to substitute other recreational facilities as an equivalent alternative if deemed appropriate by the zoning administrator.

    (Code 1999, § 9-122)

(Code 1999, § 9-122)