§ 98-372. General conditions applicable to certain uses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any agricultural use in the R-3 district, nonconforming or otherwise, shall:


    Utilize best management practices whenever possible.


    Maintain a five-foot wide grass strip on-site along all rights-of-way and streams to slow down runoff waters and filter out sediment.


    All forestal uses, in the R-3 district, whether nonconforming or otherwise, shall conform to the following: In order to maintain a rural environment in those areas of the county designated for residential and commercial development, no commercial timbering of lands zoned R-3 shall commence until a plan for development (subdivision or site or reforestation plan) has been approved by the planning commission or the zoning administrator as the case may be. Any plan for reforestation shall require a posting of a bond in an amount sufficient to reforest the area based on current per acre estimate of reforestation by the state department of forestry. No commercial timbering shall be allowed in any development once any lot in the development has been sold.


    All churches, synagogues and other houses of worship within the R-3 zoning district shall only be located on rights-of-way classified as residential collectors.

    (Code 1999, § 9-117)

(Code 1999, § 9-117)