§ 98-212. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • In the agricultural district, A-1, structures to be erected or land to be used shall be for one or more of the following uses:


    Agriculture; provided, however, that in order to conserve agricultural soils, reduce erosion and sedimentation of streams and roadside ditches and neighborhoods, agriculture uses shall:


    Utilize best management practices whenever possible.


    Maintain a five-foot-wide grass or planted strip on-site along all rights-of-way and streams to slow down runoff waters and filter out sediment.


    Cemeteries (no sale of lots).


    Churches with an approved site plan.


    Construction trailers and/or portable or temporary buildings for offices, storage facilities, public and semipublic uses, and such use shall be in conjunction with a bona fide nonresidential construction project for which a building permit has been issued, the development of an approved subdivision, or highway or public works construction projects. In addition, the following conditions shall apply:


    The temporary structure shall be located in conformance with all applicable requirements of this chapter.


    The temporary structure shall not be used as a temporary living quarters at any time.


    The use shall be allowed for a period of one year or 30 days beyond the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the permanent structure, whichever occurs first.


    Upon evidence that the completion of construction is imminent, the zoning administrator may grant one 30-day time extension.


    The zoning administrator retains the right to have the use removed if, at any time, the applicant violates the conditions set forth in this section.


    The zoning administrator retains the right to require a site plan.


    Distillery, with an approved site plan.




    Game preserves and conservation areas.


    Golf courses/country clubs with an approved site plan.


    Government buildings and facilities with an approved site plan.




    Hospitals and medical facilities with an approved site plan.


    Intensive dairy facility, subject to specific acreage requirements, setback requirements and other requirements of article VIII of this chapter.


    Intensive livestock facility, subject to specific acreage requirements, setback requirements and other requirements of article VIII of this chapter.


    Intensive poultry facility, subject to specific acreage requirements, setback requirements and other requirements of article VIII of this chapter.


    Libraries, with an approved site plan.


    Micro-brewery, with an approved site plan.


    Parks and playgrounds with an approved site plan.


    Public schools with an approved site plan.


    Public utilities other than those requiring a conditional use permit under the provisions of section 98-213.


    Radio, television or communication towers not exceeding 50 feet in height, provided that it shall be located in the rear yard of a principal permitted use.


    Satellite dishes located in the side, front or rear yard, provided that such satellite dish shall set back 50 feet or more from any state maintained or privately owned public right-of-way, and shall comply with the side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures.


    Single-family residential units, to include manufactured housing as defined in section 98-2. On land devoted to agriculture on a full-time basis, in addition to the main farm house, one tenant house for every 25 acres with a minimum of 25 acres being necessary to establish the first tenant house shall be permitted.




    Temporary manufactured homes with the following conditions:


    The manufactured home is to be used by the applicant as a residence while construction of a house for the applicant is in progress, or during the repair of the permanent structure if such structure has been destroyed by fire or other disaster.


    The applicant shall apply to the code official for a building permit for the permanent structure at the same time as a building permit application is made for the manufactured home.


    The placement of the manufactured home shall be temporary and shall be permitted for a period to expire 90 days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the dwelling, but in no event for more than three years. One-year extension may be granted at the discretion of the zoning administrator upon good cause shown by the applicant provided the applicant is making reasonable progress towards the completion of the dwelling.


    In cases where a temporary manufactured home is placed while repairs are made to a permanent structure damaged by a disaster, such as fire or flood, the use shall be permitted for a period not to exceed one year.


    One six-month extension may be granted at the discretion of the zoning administrator upon good cause shown by the applicant, provided that the applicant is making reasonable progress towards the completion of repairs to the permanent dwelling.


    Only those manufactured homes built since June 15, 1976, and constructed in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act and bearing the appropriate seals and labels to certify compliance are permitted. The manufactured home must be skirted with a fire-resistant material approved by the code official.


    A drawing showing the proposed location of the manufactured home including distances from all property lines and the septic tank and drainfield shall be submitted by the applicant and must be approved by the zoning administrator. The zoning administrator may require changes in the drawing which would make the location of the manufactured home more harmonious with the neighborhood.


    The zoning administrator shall require the applicant to post a $500.00 surety, conditioned upon removal of the manufactured home at the termination of the prescribed time period. This surety shall not be released until the manufactured home has been removed from the property. A violation of any condition of the terms stated herein or failure to remove the manufactured home within the prescribed time period shall result in the forfeiture of any portion of the surety to offset the costs incurred by the county to remedy the violation including, but not limited to, the course of removal and storage.


    Winery, commercial, with an approved site plan.


    Winery, farm.


    Yacht clubs with an approved site plan.

    (Code 1999, § 9-82; Ord. No. O-01-17(R1), 3-29-2017)

(Code 1999, § 9-82; Ord. No. O-01-17(R1), 3-29-2017)