§ 91-75. Sewer.  

Latest version.
  • Requirements and standards for sewage disposal in subdivisions are as follows:


    Public sewer. If the property being subdivided is within a public sewer service area in whole or in part in accordance with established board policy or as may be defined elsewhere in the this Code, public sewer shall be extended to all lots within the subdivision including recreation areas where, because of their size and configuration, construction of facilities requiring connection to sewer is anticipated, but not to remnants unsuited for building.


    Individual sewer.


    If public sewer is not available, subdivisions with lots served by septic systems including alternative systems certified by the health department may be approved by the agent provided that the following documented proof of each of the following is submitted:


    Both a primary location and a 100-percent reserve location for the septic system will be provided, neither of which shall be located, in whole or in part, in the resource protection area;


    The location and design for each septic system (both primary and reserve) has been accomplished by a health department authorized onsite soil evaluator (AOSE) or professional engineer in accordance with the most current edition of the "Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations" of the Virginia Department of Health and all applicable provisions of this Code; and


    Contamination or pollution of wells, groundwater, state waters, or any Chesapeake Bay resource preservation area or resource management area is unlikely to occur from any proposed individual septic system.


    Any such subdivision submitted for review shall include the specific locations proposed for both primary and reserve on-site septic system installations with all documentation required for health department approval for each proposed location. Any proposed lots not suitable for the installation of private sewage disposal systems shall either be combined with lots that are suitable or dedicated to common open space or recreation use, so that only buildable lots are created.


    Private sewer systems serving multiple lots shall not be permitted except by specific approval of the board after conducting a duly advertised public hearing and after receiving a recommendation from the planning commission.


    Construction standards.


    All sewage disposal systems shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable construction standards contained in this Code and policies adopted by the county pursuant thereto.


    A construction permit must be obtained from the county director of public works and utilities prior to the commencement of construction of any public system or extension thereto.


    A construction permit shall be issued by the health department of prior to the commencement of construction of any private system or extension thereto.


    Construction, installation, and maintenance of sanitary sewer systems shall comply with the provisions of chapter 94, Waterways—Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas.


    Off-site sewer facilities cost. The subdivider shall be required to pay a pro rata share of the cost of providing reasonable and necessary sewer facilities and improvements located outside of the property limits of land owned or controlled by him in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.2-2243, Code of Virginia.

    (Ord. No. O-03-05(R), 3-14-2005)

(Ord. No. O-03-05(R), 3-14-2005)