§ 91-13. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • Plans or plats shall not be deemed to have been filed until the appropriate fee, which shall be established by the board from time-to-time and published in a fee schedule, has been paid. The official fee schedule shall be available for review and copying from the agent during normal working hours. All checks shall be made payable to the Treasurer of New Kent County.


    Examination fee. There shall be a fee for the examination of every plan and plat reviewed under the terms of this chapter, including for preliminary plans, development plans and final plats. All fees shall be paid at the time of filing the plan or plat for review.


    Re-examination fee. There shall be an additional fee for each reexamination of any plan or plat after the second (2nd) resubmission and for every subsequent resubmission thereafter. Said fee shall be paid at the time of resubmitting the plan or plat for review.


    Inspection fee. There shall be a fee for the inspection of improvements constructed as a part of the development of subdivisions. Said fee shall be paid prior to recordation of the record plat.


    Vacation of plat fee. There shall be a fee for processing an application to vacate a plat or part thereof. Said fee shall be exclusive of the costs of posting notice and advertisement as provided in Section 15.2-2204, Code of Virginia, or recordation fees which may accrue. Those costs shall be borne also by the applicant. The fee shall be paid upon application.


    Map maintenance and review fee. There shall be a fee for revising the county maps and geographical information system to incorporate new development. The fee shall be paid prior to approval of a final plat.


    Variable site development fees. In addition to the fees enumerated above, the subdivider shall be required to pay other fees as may be applicable to the proposed development. Depending upon the needs of the subdivision and the desire of the subdivider that the county supply or arrange for certain signs, features or devices, these fees may include payments for construction, fabrication, installation, and/or maintenance of control and warning signs, streetlights, street identification signs, and other similar features, installations, or devices.

    (Ord. No. O-03-05(R), 3-14-2005)

(Ord. No. O-03-05(R), 3-14-2005)